Termine in London 2014
All mindfulness courses in this section will be held by Dr. Patrizia C. Collard in english language.
For further information please see http://www.entermindfulness.com/workshops/
ACHTUNG: Die Preise in diesem Abschnitt sind in Pfund angegeben!
MBCT – Eight Week Programme (Letting go of Stress):
31.05.2014 (Day of Silence, 10.30 am to 4.30 pm)
You must be available for all of these dates.
Oak Park, London, GB
£ 540.- (£ 480.- if paid 2 calendar months prior to start of the course)
MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy): Teacher Development Part 1
01. – 05.05. 2014
Honor Oak Park, London, GB
£ 720.- (£ 670.- if paid 2 calendar months prior to start of the course)
01. – 05.08.2014
Milton Keynes, GB
£ 720.- (£ 670.- if paid 2 calendar months prior to start of the course)
MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy): Teacher Development Part 2
17. – 21.09.2014
Honor Oak Park, London, GB
£ 720.- (£ 670.- if paid 2 calendar months prior to start of the course)
CBT and Mindful Movement: Teacher Development Part 3
15. –
Honor Oak Park, London, GB
£ 250.- (£ 220.- if paid 2 calendar months prior to start of the course)
Poetry, Stories, Non-Violent Communication: Teacher Development Part
17. – 18.05.2014
Honor Oak Park, London, GB
£ 250.- (£ 220.- if paid 2 calendar months prior to start of the course)
Mindful Eating: Teacher Development Part 3
08. – 09.03.2014
27. – 28.09.2014
Honor Oak Park, London, GB
£ 250.- (£ 220.- if paid 2 calendar months prior to start of the course)